Contact Us

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, are interested in custom work, or if you would like to schedule a studio visit. . 

1056 King Street
Charleston, SC, 29403
United States


Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions


Full payment is due at the time of purchase. You can pay with any major credit card or Apple Pay through this website.

Returns and Exchanges

I will take returns or exchanges if your piece is in original condition for up to 7 days after you have received the item. Cost of returning the item is the responsibility of the customer and I will refund you within 3 days of the return if the item can be restocked.

I will not accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations on custom orders.

If you receive broken or damaged items please let me know within 7 days of receiving your jewelry so I can take care of the issue and make sure you are satisfied with your purchase.


I would be thrilled to make you something that is completely unique so don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or ideas so we can get started!